Double Taxation Agreement Ireland New Zealand

Double Taxation Agreement between Ireland and New Zealand: What You Need to Know

If you are doing business or planning to move to either Ireland or New Zealand, you may be interested in learning about the double taxation agreement (DTA) between the two countries. This agreement aims to prevent taxpayers from being taxed on the same income in both countries, as well as to promote economic cooperation and investment between Ireland and New Zealand. In this article, we will take a closer look at the key provisions of the DTA and how they may affect you.

The Basics of the DTA

The DTA between Ireland and New Zealand was signed in 1986 and came into force in 1987. It applies to taxes on income and includes provisions for both individuals and companies. The agreement provides a framework for the taxation of income earned in one country by residents of the other country.

Under the DTA, a resident of one country who earns income in the other country will generally only be taxed in the country where they are a resident. However, there are exceptions for certain types of income, such as income from real property, which may be taxed in the country where the property is located.

The agreement also includes provisions for the elimination of double taxation. This means that if you are a resident of one country and you have already paid tax on your income in the other country, you may be able to claim a credit for that tax paid when you file your tax return in your home country.

The DTA also includes provisions for the exchange of information between the tax authorities of the two countries. This helps to ensure that taxpayers are complying with the laws in both countries and to prevent tax evasion.

Benefits for Individuals and Companies

The DTA can provide significant benefits for individuals and companies who are doing business or investing in both Ireland and New Zealand. For example, if you are a resident of Ireland and you earn income from a business in New Zealand, you will generally only pay tax on that income in Ireland. This can help to reduce your overall tax liability and increase your profitability.

Similarly, if you are a company operating in both countries, the DTA can help to reduce your tax burden and simplify your accounting and reporting requirements. It can also make it easier to move personnel between the two countries and to expand your business operations.


The double taxation agreement between Ireland and New Zealand is an important tool for promoting economic cooperation and investment between the two countries. It provides a framework for the taxation of income earned in one country by residents of the other country and includes provisions for the elimination of double taxation.

As a resident or business owner in either Ireland or New Zealand, it is crucial to understand the key provisions of the DTA and how they may affect your tax liability. By taking advantage of the benefits provided by the agreement, you can reduce your tax burden and increase your overall profitability.

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