List the Two Executive Agreements Discussed in the Video Quizlet

If you`ve been searching for information about executive agreements, you might have come across a video quizlet discussing different types of executive agreements. In this quizlet, the presenter likely mentioned two specific types of executive agreements. But what are they, and why are they important?

Executive agreements are a vital tool that the United States government uses to conduct foreign relations. These agreements are formal, written commitments between two or more countries that don`t require approval from Congress. There are two main types of executive agreements: bilateral and multilateral.

Bilateral executive agreements involve two countries and are typically used to address specific issues between those countries. For example, a bilateral executive agreement might be used to establish a trade agreement between the United States and China. These agreements are often easier to negotiate than treaties because they don`t require as much time or effort to gain approval.

Multilateral executive agreements, on the other hand, involve more than two countries. These agreements are often used to address more complex international issues, such as climate change or nuclear disarmament. Because they involve more countries, multilateral executive agreements can be more difficult to negotiate and approve. However, they are often seen as more effective in addressing complex issues that affect multiple countries.

Both bilateral and multilateral executive agreements are important tools that the United States government uses to protect and promote its interests abroad. By understanding the differences between these two types of agreements, you can gain a better understanding of how the government conducts foreign relations and negotiates with other countries.

As the United States continues to face complex foreign policy challenges, it`s likely that executive agreements will continue to play an important role in the country`s diplomacy. Understanding these agreements and their nuances is essential for anyone interested in international relations or government policy.

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