Military Construction Cooperative Agreement

Military Construction Cooperative Agreement: An Overview

The military is an integral part of every country’s national security. It is, therefore, essential that the military has the necessary infrastructure to support its operations. This infrastructure includes military installations, housing, training facilities, and so on.

In some cases, the military may not have the expertise or resources to develop such infrastructure on its own. This is where the concept of a Military Construction Cooperative Agreement (MCCA) comes into play.

What is an MCCA?

An MCCA is a binding agreement between the military and a non-federal entity (usually a state or local government agency) to share resources and expertise to develop military infrastructure. The agreement is based on the understanding that the military needs the support of external agencies to complete various construction projects.

Under an MCCA, the military provides funding for the construction project, while the non-federal entity provides the necessary resources, such as land, labor, materials, and services. The agreement specifies the roles and responsibilities of each party, the scope of work, and the timeline for completion.

Why is an MCCA Necessary?

An MCCA provides several benefits to both the military and the non-federal entity. For the military, an MCCA allows for the development of high-quality infrastructure that is essential to support its diverse operations. The agreement also helps to reduce the cost of the project, as the military can benefit from the resources and expertise of the non-federal entity.

For the non-federal entity, an MCCA provides an opportunity to contribute to national security efforts and to gain access to federal funding for the construction project. The agreement also helps to establish a strong relationship between the military and the non-federal entity, which can lead to future collaborations.

Examples of MCCA Projects

MCCA projects can vary widely, depending on the needs of the military and the resources of the non-federal entity. Some examples of MCCA projects include:

– The construction of military housing facilities

– The development of training facilities for military personnel

– The construction of administrative and command facilities for military units

– The renovation of existing military infrastructure to meet current standards


In conclusion, an MCCA is an essential tool for the military to develop the necessary infrastructure to support its operations. By partnering with non-federal entities, the military can benefit from the resources and expertise of external agencies, while the non-federal entity can contribute to national security efforts and gain access to federal funding.

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